Want to Make Free call? Just read this article to make free call. Nowadays calling is a fastest way to communicate. But it's not cheap at all. Some times we have to pay little much to the network provider. So I'm telling you a cheap coasting way to call.
Which number you can call?
-You can make all international call to over the country.
You can make PC-PC, PC-Mobile, Mobile-PC free call.
You need a pc or a mobile.
For computer: it works on all operating system.. A headphone/microphone to talk.
For mobile: a mobile with symbian/android/iOS operating system
1st download the software for your mobile and PC from here.
Now install it and open it. Type the number where you want to call.
Nimbuzz have to install in both calling side.
If you have any further question, comment here.
Which number you can call?
-You can make all international call to over the country.
You can make PC-PC, PC-Mobile, Mobile-PC free call.
You need a pc or a mobile.
For computer: it works on all operating system.. A headphone/microphone to talk.
For mobile: a mobile with symbian/android/iOS operating system
1st download the software for your mobile and PC from here.
Now install it and open it. Type the number where you want to call.
Nimbuzz have to install in both calling side.
If you have any further question, comment here.
great . now i can call my gf everyday and always :D