Make Free Call From Your 100% Work

All international number all over the country. You can make PC-PC, PC-Mobile, Mobile-PC free call...

Auto Miss Call Giving Sotware. Give upto 500 Miss call within few minutes

1. Download Missed file (600 KB in size). You will find 3 software inside the zip folders. 2. Two files to the folder. 1st install Python For S60_1_4 3.SIS and then install Python Script Shell_1_4 3 3rdEd.SIS. 3. At last install Smart4n.Jeer.v1.01.sis...

Change Your IP Address Completely

Type ipconfig /release just like that, and hit enter Type "exit" and leave the prompt Right-click on "Network

Delete All Virus From Your Computer

Turn off the process of Wscript file located in C:\Windows\System32, by using tools such as CProcess, HijackThis or can also use the Task Manager of Windows.

Bangladesh Black Hat Hackers


Thursday, December 29, 2011

How to Download Youtube Videos Using Opera Mini

::: Trick to download Youtube videos using Opera Mini :::

No need to go to any external link to download youtube videos or no need to
using any other app, now you can download
videos directly from youtube using Opera
Just go through the following steps gradually and carefully :

#Step 1 : Copy the following java script :

#Step 2 : Paste the script into the address bar,

#Step 3 : Save it to Bookmark,

#Step 4 : Go to and
search for any video which you like to download,

#Step 5 : After you have
determined the video that you want to download, scroll down to bottom page, click on
'desktop' to change youtube page layout to
desktop mode,

#Step 6 : When the youtube page layout will be changed to desktop mode, zoom in,

#Step 7 : Now go to Bookmark options and
click the bookmark that
you have already created,

#Step 8 : After loading is
complete you will see a download option, click
'download', wait until loading is complete.
Select the format in which you want to download,

#Step 9 : Its done.
Downloading will be started in your desired

Thanks all for being with us. If you have any question ask here.

Monday, December 19, 2011

How to Change IP Address Completely

How to Change IP Address Way 1:

It is easy to change your ip address without using proxy server ,softwares.

Open Command Prompt

Type ipconfig /release just like that, and hit enter
Type "exit" and leave the prompt
Right-click on "Network
Places" or "My Network Places" on your Control Panel.
Click on "properties"
You should now be on a screen with something titled "Local Area Connection", or something close to that,
and, if you have a network hooked up, all of your other networks.
Right click on "Local Area Connection" and
click "properties"
Double-click on the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" from the list under
the "General" tab
Click on "Use the following IP address" under the "General" tab
Create an IP address (It
doesn't matter what it is.
Press "Tab" and it should automatically fill in the "Subnet Mask"
section with default numbers.
Hit the "Ok" button here
Hit the "Ok" button again
You should now be back
to the "Local Area
Connection" screen.
Right-click back on
"Local Area Connection"
and go to properties
Go back to the "TCP/IP"
This time, select "Obtain
an IP address automatically"
Hit "Ok" Hit "Ok" again
You now have a new IP
This will change your dynamic ip only not your ISP/IP Address.

How to Change IP Address Way 2:

Use ultrasurf to hide your ip completely.

Friday, December 16, 2011

How to Control Other Computer

You can control your friends with Team
Viewer. This is so useful software for
controlling PC from anywhere.
By this software You can do the following
1. See the documents from others PC
2. Open any folder from others PC
3. You can copy others PC document to Your PC
4. Use Internet from your PC

To use this software you must need Internet
and the agreements of the PC owner which you want to control.
Now following steps to control the other PC :
1. Download Team viewer and following the steps to set up.
2. Open the .exe file or Dubble click on the .exe file. You will see the following action.
Click on the Install point and then click on the Next button.
3. Click personal / Non commercial use and
then click on the Next button.
4. Now Tick mark on the “I accept the terms of the License Agreement” and “I agree that I will only use TeamViewer for non commercial and private use” box and
then click on the Next button.
5. A new dial box is open. You can click No
for default setting or click Yes for customize
setting . You can change the setting any time.
And click on the Finished button.
6. Now Open your Team Viewer from your
7. You will find “Your ID” and “Password”
8. Now collect Your friends “ID” and
“Password” and first put ID and next put
password and press control partner.
Now can control your friends PC.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

How to find a must working Serial Code number for any Softwares and Games

Sometimes we use demo or trial version of many softwares and games. We look for serial code, but it's hard to get a working code. We think, if we had the serial code!

Now i am telling you how to get your Serial code easily.

First go to in search box type your software full name with cotation mark and with a space type 94FBR and click on search button.

Example: “Internet download manager” 94FBR

Hope you will enjoy all full version software from now :-)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Website Designing Company India

DLL incorporation is a Website Designing Company based in Delhi which provides very affordable website designing with Free Domain name and Web Hosting .

We Provide professional and attractive website With Domain and web space and unlimited Email ids only in 3000 INR.

For more details call             +91-9990721183       or email at

Monday, November 14, 2011

How To Delete Shortcut Virus and Starter Virus

How to delete Shortcut virus on way to 7 step….
PIF/Starter Virus or better known as the shortcut virus
upset victim with a lot of shortcuts that are created by the
virus. Fuss, if ways of handling this virus is not right then he
actually will come back again, again and again.
Therefore, consider the 7 ways of telling a virus analyst at
Vaksincom MG Lat to stop shortcut flood caused this virus:
1. previously turning off system restore process.
2. Turn off the process of Wscript file located in C:\Windows
\System32, by using tools such as CProcess, HijackThis or
can also use the Task Manager of Windows.
3. Once off the process of Wscript, we need to delete or
rename the file so as not to be used temporarily by the
For the record, if we are to rename the file wscript.exe it
automatically, it will be copied again in the folder. Therefore,
we must find where the file wscript.exe others, usually in C:
\Windows\$NtServicePackUninstall$, C:\Windows
Unlike other VBS viruses, we can change the Open With
from the vbs file into Notepad, the virus that matters is the
extension MDB Microsoft Access file. So Wscript
DATABASE.MDB will run the file as if he is VBS file.
4. Delete an existing parent file in C:\Documents and Settings
\\My Documents\database.mdb, for every time the
computer boots will not load the file. And do not forget we
also open MSCONFIG, disable the command to run it.
5. Now we are going to delete the files autorun.inf,
Microsoft.INF and Thumb.db. Way, click the START button,
type CMD, and moved to the drive to be cleaned, for
example, drive C:\, then we have to do is:
Type C:\del Microsoft.inf /s, this command will be to delete
all files microsoft.inf the whole folder on drive C:. Meanwhile,
if you want to move the drive to stay just renamed drive
example: D:\del Microsoft.inf /s.
For the autorun.inf file, type C:\del autorun.inf /s /ah /f, the
command will be to delete the autorun.inf file (syntax /ah /f)
is used because the file is taking attrib RSHA, as well as to file
Thumb.db also do the same thing.
6. To delete files older than 4 files, we must find a way
search files with extensions. Lnk size 1 kb. In the ‘More
advanced options’ make sure the option ‘Search system
folders’ and ‘Search hidden files and folders’ are both
Please be careful, not all files shortcut / LNK with I kb of file
size a virus, we can distinguish it from an icon, size and
type. For the shortcut icon created virus always uses icons
‘folder’, size 1 kb and type ‘shortcut’. While the correct folder
should not have ‘size’ and its type is ‘File Folder’.
7. Fix the registry has been changed by the virus. To speed
up the process of repair registry copy the script below on
the program ‘notepad’ and save with the name ‘repair.inf’.
Run the file in the following manner:
- Right-click repair.inf
- Click Install
Provider=Vaksincom Oyee
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command,,,"""% 1""
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,"""%
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command,,,"""% 1
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\regfile\shell\open\command,,,"reg e
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,"""% 1""
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Wi
HKLM, SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SafeBoot, AlternateShell,
HKLM, SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Control\SafeBoot, AlternateShell,0
HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run ,
HKCU,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run , e

Thursday, October 27, 2011

How To Make Free Video and Audio Call From Symbian Mobile

You Can now make free Call from your mobile! It's very easy. You can make Audio and video Call from your mobile worldwide. Download Fring now.

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

How To Earn Money Online Part-05

How Are You All? Sorry for late post. I was little busy. My Exam is near, Please pray for me.

In my previous post I have told you how to get a Free Master Card. Hope you have got one. If you have n't got one yet, then comment here. I'll try to help you.
Now we all things to earn money online. Oh one things has yet left. What it is? How you get money? One way is bank transfer. Have you an account in local bank in your country? If not, I recommand you to open a bank account in your local bank which support online banking. (For Bangladesh- Dutch Bangla Bank, Islami Bank)

Now I am going to post about MICROWORKERS.

First Sign up now.
# What it is?
It's a online website (or platform) of easy freelancing. The work of this site is very easy and only takes few minitues to complete.
In my Opinion it's the best site for New/Begginer Freelancer.

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Look this image to understand easily

# Who can work here?
Anyone can also be a Worker. You can be a stay-at-home mom, a student who needs extra spending money, or if you simply love helping others while making some extra cash alongside, this is the place for you. Joining Microworkers as a Worker does not mean you are employed by the site. Instead, you will be working as a freelancer.

# Employer give here very simple task. Such as:
Employers, ask people to...

— Vote for your photo
— Become your fan - "Like" my page
— Add you as Friend to Facebook
— Rate your Video
— Sign up to a website
— Follow you on Twitter
— Bookmark your website
— Post reviews online
— and much more...

# You can not open more than 1 account.
# Just use your computer to log in. Don't use your friends or other PC to log in.

If you have yet any question, Please check FAQ

Print Your Facebook Photos for Free by Kodak

Kodak is running an offer to help turn your Facebook pictures into printed pictures you can hold in your hand.
The contest itself is pretty standard fare: Just like Kodak’s Facebook page and get a voucher for 20 free prints of your Facebook images.

What’s more interesting is that Facebook, via Kodak, is taking a serious shot at the online image-sharing giants, such as Flickr and

Kodak’s promotion will run until Oct. 23.

For more detail info look Kodak website.

Friday, October 21, 2011

How to Make a Bootable Windows XP CD

How How to create a
bootable Windows XP SP1 CD with NERO
software. this tricks is so simple. just follow
my simple steps.
Step 1
Create 3 folders – C:\WINXPSP1, C:\SP1106
Step 2
Copy the entire Windows XP CD into folder C:
Step 3
You will have to download the SP1 Update,
which is 133MB.
Rename the Service Pack file to XP-SP1.EXE
Extract the Service Pack from the Run Dialog
using the command:
C:\XP-SP1.EXE -U -X:C:\SP1106
Step 4
Open Start/Run… and type the command:
C:\SP1106\update\update.exe -s:C:
Click OK
Folder C:\WINXPSP1 contains: Windows XP
How to Create a Windows XP SP1 CD
Step 1
( no download manager !! )
Extract file (xpboot.bin) in to the
folder C:\XPBOOT
Step 2
Start Nero – Burning Rom.
Select File > New… from the menu.
1.) Select CD-ROM (Boot)
2.) Select Image file from Source of boot
image data
3.) Set Kind of emulation: to No Emulation
4.) Set Load segment of sectors (hex!): to
5.) Set Number of loaded sectors: to 4
6.) Press the Browse… button
Step 3
Select All Files (*.*) from File of type:
Locate boot.bin in the folder C:\XPBOOT
Step 4
Click ISO tab
Set File-/Directory length to ISO Level 1 (Max.
of 11 = 8 + 3 chars)
Set Format to Mode 1
Set Character Set to ISO 9660
Check all Relax ISO Restrictions
Step 5
Click Label Tab
Select ISO9660 from the drop down box.
Enter the Volume Label as WB2PFRE_EN
Enter the System Identifier as WB2PFRE_EN
Enter the Volume Set as WB2PFRE_EN
Enter the Publisher as MICROSOFT
Enter the Data Preparer as MICROSOFT
Enter the Application as WB2PFRE_EN
* For Windows XP Professional OEM
substitute WB2PFRE_EN with WXPOEM_EN
* For Windows XP Home OEM substitute
Step 6
Click Burn tab
Check Write
Check Finalize CD (No further writing
Set Write Method to Disk-At-Once
Press New button
Step 7
Locate the folder C:\WINXPSP1
Select everything in the folder and drag it to
the ISO compilation panel.
Click the Write CD Dialog button.
Press Write
You’re done.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Solution of "Expired Certificate" error

When I try to install a sofware or application in my phone then this message shown ''Expired Certificate''. What is the solution?

If you face "Expired Certificate" problem, please set your phone date to 2007/01/01 or
2007/05/05 or 2006/01/01 before you install the
program or game.
You can set the correct date back after the program or theme is installed.

If your phone won't let you install applications still, then go to your phone's
"Application Manager"
Press "Options",
Press "Settings",
Make sure "Software installation" is set to "All",
And "Online Certificate Check" is set to "Off".

A Brief History Of Time Free Ebook Download by Stephen Hawking

Book Name: A Brief History Of  Time
Writter: Stephen Hawking

A Brief History of Time
A Brief History of Time

A greatest and famous book of the world. Some people tell that Stephen Hawking is the best scientist after Einstein. He is still alive and famous for his big bang theory. I like him so much. He can't talk but he made us talk about him. He can't walk but help us to live better live.

If you want get his greatest creative book A Brief History of Time then You have to buy this book by spending a lot of money either local library or online.

But I am giving you it for free! Totally Free Of Coast!!!

To download click on link below.
A Brief History Of Time -Ebook claim your free copy now.

Comment if you unable to download. I'll give you another link to download it for free.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How to invite all friends to a Facebook Fan Page and How To Add all friends in a Facebook Group?

Would you like to invite all your Facebook friends in just one click?
Are you tired of clicking all your Facebook friends to invite on your group, fan page?

Well, Today I will show you, How to invite all friends on Facebook to a Fan Page or a Group.

Just follow with me.

Open your Firefox 6 or
later version
Go to your Facebook fan page.
Now, click on Invite Friends.
Select Search all friends on your “Suggest to Friends” window.
Scroll down that all friends are loaded.
On your keyboard just
press “Ctrl + Shift + K”.
Then copy and paste the
JavaScript code on your
Firefox panel and hit Enter.
for(var fid in elms){if
(typeof elms[fid] ===

Click Submit.

One Of The Best Arguments!! Don’t miss even a single word!!!

An atheist professor of
philosophy speaks to his
class on the problem science
has with God, The Almighty.
He asks one of his new
students to stand and…..
Prof: So you believe in God?
Student: Absolutely, sir.
Prof: Is God good?
Student: Sure.
Prof: Is God all-powerful?
Student: Yes..
Prof: My brother died of
cancer even though he
prayed to God to heal him.
Most of us would attempt to
help others who are ill. But
God didn’t. How is this God
good then? Hmm?
(Student is silent.)
Prof: You can’t answer, can
you? Let’s start again, young
fella. Is God good?
Student: Yes.
Prof: Is Satan good?
Student: No.
Prof: Where does Satan
come from?
Student: From….God…
Prof: That’s right. Tell me
son, is there evil in this
Student: Yes.
Prof: Evil is everywhere, isn’t
it? And God did make
everything. Correct?
Student: Yes.
Prof: So who created evil?
(Student does not answer.)
Prof: Is there sickness?
Immorality? Hatred?
Ugliness? All these terrible
things exist in the world,
don’t they?
Student: Yes, sir.
Prof: So, who created them?
(Student has no answer.)
Prof: Science says you have 5
senses you use to identify
and observe the world
around you. Tell me, son…
Have you ever seen God?
Student: No, sir.
Prof: Tell us if you have ever
heard your God?
Student: No, sir.
Prof: Have you ever felt your
God, tasted your God, smelt
your God? Have you ever
had any sensory perception
of God for that matter?
Student: No, sir. I’m afraid I
Prof: Yet you still believe in
Student: Yes.
Prof: According to empirical,
testable, demonstrable
protocol, science says your
GOD doesn’t exist.
What do you say to that,
Student: Nothing. I only have
my faith.
Prof: Yes. Faith. And that is
the problem science has.
Student: Professor, is there
such a thing as heat?
Prof: Yes.
Student: And is there such a
thing as cold?
Prof: Yes.
Student: No sir. There isn’t.
(The lecture the after
becomes very quiet with this
turn of events.)
Student: Sir, you can have
lots of heat, even more heat,
superheat, mega heat, white
heat, a little heat or no
But we don’t have anything
called cold. We can hit 458
degrees below zero which is
no heat, but we can’t go any
further after that. There is
no such thing as cold. Cold is
only a word we use to
describe the absence of heat.
We cannot measure cold.
Heat is energy Cold is not
the opposite of heat, sir, just
the absence of it .
(There is pin-drop silence in
the lecture theatre.)
Student: What about
darkness, Professor? Is there
such a thing as darkness?
Prof: Yes. What is night if
there isn’t darkness?
Student : You’re wrong
again, sir. Darkness is the
absence of something. You
can have low light, normal
light, bright
light, flashing light…..But if
you have no light constantly,
you have nothing and it’s
called darkness, isn’t it? In
reality, darkness isn’t. If it
were you would be able to
make darkness darker,
wouldn’t you?
Prof: So what is the point
you are making, young man?
Student: Sir, my point is your
philosophical premise is
Prof: Flawed? Can you
explain how?
Student: Sir, you are working
on the premise of duality.
You argue there is life and
then there is death, a good
God and a bad God. You are
viewing the concept of God
as something finite,
something we can measure.
Sir, science can’t even explain
a thought.. It uses electricity
and magnetism, but has
never seen, much less fully
understood either one.To
view death as the opposite
of life is to be ignorant of
the fact that death cannot
exist as a substantive thing.
Death is
not the opposite of life: just
the absence of it.
Now tell me, Professor.Do
you teach your students that
they evolved from a
Prof: If you are referring to
the natural evolutionary
process, yes, of course, I do.
Student: Have you ever
observed evolution with your
own eyes, sir?
(The Professor shakes his
head with a smile, beginning
to realize where the
argument is going.)
Student: Since no one has
ever observed the process of
evolution at work and
cannot even prove that this
process is an on-going
endeavor, are you not
teaching your opinion, sir?
Are you not a scientist but a
preacher? (The class is in
Student: Is there anyone in
the class who has ever seen
the Professor’s brain?
(The class breaks out into
Student : Is there anyone
here who has ever heard the
Professor’s brain, felt it,
touched or smelt it? No one
appears to have done so. So,
according to the established
rules of empirical, stable,
demonstrable protocol,
science says that you have no
brain,sir. With all due
respect, sir, how do we then
trust your lectures, sir?
(The room is silent. The
professor stares at the
student, his face
Prof: I guess you’ll have to
take them on faith, son.
Student: That is it sir… The
link between man & god is
FAITH . That is all that keeps
things moving & alive.
I believe you have enjoyed
the conversation…and if so…
you’ll probably want your
friends/colleagues to enjoy
the same…won’t you?….this is
a true story, and the
student was none other than
APJ Abdul Kalam, the former
President of India

Saturday, October 08, 2011

How to Download Youtube Video? Simple Way

How To Download Youtube Video?

Many people ask me this question. The way of downloading youtube video is very simple. So I am going to give you many solution to download youtube video.
Solution 1:
Go to Tubegrip
In the box copy-paste the URL of which video you want to download. Click On the button.
It will shown how many possible format it can be download such .mp4, .mpg, .flv, .avi, .mpeg etc
Save the video.

Solution 2:
Install Internet Download Manger(IDM). If you haven't it then search on google for download it.
Now open the video which one you want to download.
Click right upon the video.
You will get a Download option

Monday, October 03, 2011

How To Make Google + User Name Short

Google Plus is the fastest growing social networking site. But there is a great problem with Google Plus, there is no user name system as Facebook or Twitter. My Google Plus profile id is what do you think is it possible to remember or
share to friend? If we can make a user name like Facebook or Twitter, that can be great. Such as, our Facebook id is . If we can create id of Google Plus profile as , it will much easier to remember.

How to Make Google+ User Name
Go to
On the Nick Name box, write your user name
On the Your Google+ ID box, write your Google+ id (Note: only numerical id 109976212229254107857,
not full id)
Click on Add
If it show you a green bar written, that’s mean that
you got that id, and your
new id will be
If it shows red bar and
this nickname is used by
someone else, that’s mean the user name you
have chosen that already
taken. Change that user
name and try again.

GPlus makes short Google+ url. Your profile url of Google+ will not change, so don’t worry about your privacy.lem with Google Plus, there is no user name system as Facebook or Twitter. My Google Plus profile id is what do you think is it possible to remember or
share to friend? If we can make a user name like Facebook or Twitter, that can be great. Such as, our Facebook id is . If we can create id of Google Plus profile as , it will much easier to remember.

How to Make Google+ User Name
Go to
On the Nick Name box, write your user name
On the Your Google+ ID box, write your Google+ id (Note: only numerical id 109976212229254107857,
not full id)
Click on Add
If it show you a green bar written, that’s mean that
you got that id, and your
new id will be
If it shows red bar and
this nickname is used by
someone else, that’s mean the user name you
have chosen that already
taken. Change that user
name and try again.

GPlus makes short Google+ url. Your profile url of Google+ will not change, so don’t worry about your privacy.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

What is thumbs.db & How to Delete thumbs.db

What is thumbs.db
and How to Delete
We all are always worried about viruses. Usually a virus can damage files,
folders. So, we always try to clean our computer, by
manually deleting some
selected files or folders,
which we understand that
those are viruses or may
be harmful and or using
anti virus. I was always
considered and treated
thumbs.db as a virus
because it use to create
thumbs.db file
automatically as soon as
delete the file. However
there are still many
people who are new to
computer world and may
treat it as virus or as a
strange act.
What is thumbs.db file?
Thumbs.db is
always created on an
image file or image folder.
Thumbs.db is a thumbnail
cache file which is used to
store thumbnail images
for Windows Explorer’s
thumbnail view. Actually
thumbs.db speeds up the
image display as the
smaller images do not
need to be recalculated
every time the user views
the folder.
Basically, when you view
images folder in
thumbnail, you would see
images showing in small
preview (Thumbnail).This
thumbnail information is
saved in thumbs.db file in
the same folder. So, next
time when you visit the
same image folder in
thumbnail, you would see
thumbnail images
displaying very fast.
Thumbnail cache file
speed up the showing of
thumbnails when you are
viewing a folder in
thumbnail view.
Note: The Thumbnail
cache file is a hidden file.
Go to My computer >>
Tools >> Folder options
>> Go to View Tab and
put a tick on “Show
hidden files and folder”.
Disadvantages of
Though it seems to be
very useful and helpful
but may not be good for
computer with low disk
space. thumbs.db file
takes up disk space,
although the file size or
space taken by thumbnail
cache will be small.
Suppose for 5-6 images in
a folder may create
thumbs.db of 7-8 kb.
Folder with 500-700
images may create
thumbs.db with file size of
800-900kb(Approx 1mb).If
your pc have lots of such
thumbs.db file on hard
disk which have low disk
space, you can save some
valuable space on your
hard disk by removing the
thumbnail cache file
You might have seen
when we remove or
delete this thumbs.db file,
it automatically created
again. So, we need to turn
off this thumbnail cache
How to Remove
Open My Computer or
any folder
Click on Tools (on the top
and on menu bar)
Click on Folder Options.
If you don’t find Folder
Options, it may be deleted
by virus. You can Restore
Folder Options in Tools
Menu, Disabled by Virus
Go to view tab
Put a tick on “Do Not
Cache thumbnails”, click
Apply and Ok.
From this thumbs.db will
never be created. But
there are some thumbs.db
files are on your
computer those are
already created. To delete
all thumbs.db file from
hard disk, we would
search the files and then
delete those files from
hard disk.
Go to start, Search
Click on “All files and
On the “All or part of
the file name” box write
thumbs.db and on the
Look in box select all
“Local Hard Drives” and
click on search.
You would see lots of
thumbs.db files. Select all
files and delete all.
By Turning off the
thumbnail cache feature
will not affect viewing in

Thursday, September 29, 2011

How To Make A Reall Free Call

Now you can call any mobile number (home and abroad) without any cost.
This is call totally free and you can make call from net to mobile.

Go to here.
Click on register.
Fill up the form
click register button.

Yes, you done!
Tick Free call (2 left) option.
Enter your desire number and
Click call button.

Congratulation for making a free call!

Send Unlimited Free SMS 100% Working

Now you can send unlimited Free sms daily!
Go to this site

Select your country.
Enter the number whom you want to send sms with country code.
Type your sms
and send it!a>

Select your country.
Enter the number whom you want to send sms with country code.
Type your sms
and send it!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How To Unlock Password Protected Memory Card

Memory Card: How to Unlock? It is very easy process.
First, insert your memory card in any one of this Nokia e71 or e72 or e63 e65
Then, go to memory card option
Next find format option
And format it.
Finally, Unlock 100% complete!

If get help from this article then share it...

Top List Of Free Hosting Site 40+

There are many who want to know about free web hosting site. Free hosting site is best for who learning web designing or who want to manage his own web site. I am giving you a list of 40+ free web hosting site. Choose which one is better for you...

Based on the same software as LiveJournal, offers free voice posts, 1GB of photo hosting, and space for up to 2,000 user icons.

Another site based on the Danga software that runs LiveJournal, offers free and paid accounts, paid benefits are only enhancements. –
Runs on the Danga platform, very much directed towards various “fandoms” (i.e. Harry
Potter, various Television shows) and is meant for users 18 and older. –
One of the most well known of the blogging hosts. Offers multiple account types such as ad-supported and paid. The center of a few controversies recently. –
A site dedicated to travel blogs with map integration and more. –
A video blogging website. –
A blog site specifically for your text messages and camera phone images. Freevlog – Designed for video blogging and completely free. – Create and share blogs of your travels. –
Blogging site specifically geared towards women. Offers multiple themes and
plugins. Word Count –
A new blogging format that is also part challenge. Write one word on the first day, two words on the second day and so on, at the end of the year you’ll have written
66,795 words. – Another moblogging site for you to share all your mobile communications with friends and family. WordPress Powered –
Offers multiple templates, anti-spam, free sub-domain and more. – Runs on WordPress and offers 50MB of free online space. –
Based out of Ireland, this site uses the WordPress MU platform, large choice of themes. –
WordPress powered blogging for educators. – Not only can you install
WordPress on your own sites, you can use the same software on their site and save yourself all of the technical work. Various Platforms –
Offers free blog hosting with unlimited bandwidth for their free package, more benefits for paid members.

Blog –
All blog entries show up on the main ladder as well as inside your own blog. –
A great starting site to get a taste of blogging, very easy to use. – Allows you to blog, host photos & videos, and podcasts. –
European based blogging site, offers 30-day trial and subscription thereafter,
but offers quite a bit of storage. –
Offers free image hosting in addition to free blogs. – Blogging site with extras such aschat boxes so you can interact with your readers. – Lets you
build a blog site and
even open it up for
collaboration. – Free
blog hosting with RSS
feeds and more. – Free
blog hosting and offers
templates, friends only
posts, IP-Banning and
more. – Based in
Europe, allows you to
create all sorts of
websites including a
blog. – Mixes
blogging and social
networking, with photo
galleries and more. – Free
blog and wiki for private
or public display with
2GB of storage.
Open –
Offers unlimited storage
and posts, low cost
subscription rates for
advanced features. – A
platform for creating
blogs with a focus on
generating traffic. – Have
something you want to
talk about, but want to
say it anonymously? This
may be the blogging site
for you. – Lets
you build your blog
with numerous themes,
also allows you to add
other site features. – Offers
blogs as well as features
such as an integrated
store. – Fully
integrated blog and
forum which allows for
seamless discussion
between the two. – A blog
platform with a focus
on allowing media-rich
posts. – Allows
you to create a site and
blog, free hosting and
change designs on the
Windows Live Spaces –
Free blogging with your
MSN account, only
drawback is readers
have to have an
account also. – Part of the
SixApart family of
blogging sites, very
much geared towards
the personal journal
types of blogs. – Part social
network, part blogging,
all free.
Yahoo 360 – Part of
your Yahoo account
and features easy
publishing. – Free
blog hosting with
250MB of free storage.

Default Password and Secret Code Collection

Default Password List of All Mobile:

Mobile Password
Sony Ericsson0000 /
All Chaina1122

1. Nokia Reset code *#7370#

2. Samsung Hard reset code *2767*3855#

3. Samsung easy
1st remove u r sim card

2. open u r phone

3. typing *2767*3855#
auto restart.

How Do I Hard
- Type 1809#*500# on
the handset's keypad
and select the reset
option to 'restore
factory' settings.
- You will then have a
confirmation screen
appear - choose 'Yes'.
- If a security code is
needed, enter '0000',
and your handset will
restore itself to its
original settings.

All Samsung Hard Reset
Now your phone is unlock forever Permanent.

*#06# IMEI (International
Mobile Equipment
*#0000# software version
*#2820# Bluetooth device
*#62209526# - WLAN
*#92702689# - takes you
to a secret menu where
you may find some of the
information below:
1. Displays Serial Number.
2. Displays the Month and
Year of Manufacture
3. Displays (if there) the
date where the phone
was purchased (MMYY)
4. Displays the date of the
last repair – if found
5. Shows life timer of
phone (time passes since
last start)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

How To Earn Money Online Part-04

In last part you have applied for a Master card. Now you have complete all basic thing for earning Money online. From part 5 I will post about earning site with detail tips.

In this part i am just giving you some advice about Online earning. After reading you will take decession either you will earn money online or by working.

Earning money online is as easy as 1,2,3,4... But this sentence is only true if you want earn a small amount of money. You can earn near $100 per month easily. But if you want to earn a lot of money, you must have to work hard and need huge knowledge. If you can work hard and if your brain is sharp then you will able to make near $1,000-$10,000 per month.

If you work online and your neighbor ask about your office? But it's not better to do something rather then unemployed?

If  have taken the final decision that you will earn money online then you may follow my next post day by day. I  can give you surety that if you follow my instruction you will success one day. What's your final decision?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

How To Earn Money Online Part-03

Now i will teach you about How To Get A Free Master Card! It's totally free to get a master Card. No cost!
By this online card you can withdraw your earned money and get your cash by any ATM both!

Follow the instruction:

What is the Payoneer prepaid debit master card?
It’s just like any other credit cards, it’s physical card (not a virtual card), it operates like any other plastic card, it’s prepaid (debit card) and you don’t need any bank account to have it. It’s linked to your odesk profile and can withdraw your odesk earnings to the debit card.
How to apply for odesk Master card? Go to the payment methods in oDesk and click to sign up for: oDesk
Debit Master Card powered by payoneer.
Submit your user details, fill up the form correctly and then you have to submit a security document. 2nd address is the address where payoneer will send you the mastercard. You can use the same as your billing
address or can use your preferred shipping address. On the 3rd part of the form, you will be asked to enter your passport number/ drivers license/ number of the national ID card (voter ID card)
After submitting the application, payoneer will verify your details and will determine if you are eligible to receive the oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer. Once your application gets approved, they will send you the card through regular postal mail.

Frequently Asked Questions
There’s a lot of goofs about the odesk Payoneer debit mastercard here. I saw a lot of threads in forums about
this topic, so here’s a FAQ sheet I have produced:
Q: Can I apply for the oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer before earning/ getting a job from odesk?
A: Yes you can apply even without earning from odesk, but I don’t think Payoneer will approve your application because the only benefit they are getting is the monthly charge from your account. If there’s no earnings, it’s worthless to have the master card.
Q: Can I apply and receive the oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer from Bangladesh?
A: Yes you can and there are more than 2000 providers working from BD at odesk.
Q: How long will it take to receive oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer in Bangladesh?
A: The odesk debit card will be sent to your address through regular mail (not any express mail service like
FedEx or UPS) and it will take 20-25 days to arrive to your address in Bangladesh.
Q: What are the withdrawal & monthly charges of oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer?
A: Minimum withdrawal amount to your debit card from odesk is $20 and fee is $2 per withdrawal. $3 is
the monthly charge from your debit card. Read more
details here about payoneer mastercard charges and fees.
Q: Where can I find an ATM to withdraw money with oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer in Bangladesh?
A: You can use any ATM in Bangladesh to withdraw  money with your debit card. The oDesk Debit
MasterCard powered by payoneer supports most of the ATM’s near your area
including Dutch Bangla Bank DBBL ATM booths. In Dhaka, there are lots of ATM’s available to
withdraw money.
Q: Can I use oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer to purchase online/ pay for services on
the internet?
A: Yes you can.
Q: Isn’t the fees and charges of oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer are higher?
A: If you earn that much amount each week, then it won’t bother you to pay the charges. At least you are receiving a great quality service for such low fees. Any more questions?
Then please let me know through the comments section.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Windows 8 Minimum Requirements

500,000 Downloads in 1st 8 hours of release!

The minimum system requirements for the Windows 8 is given below:-

Minimum hardware requirements for Windows Developer Preview

Architecture x86 (32-bit)
or x86-64 (64-bit)

1 GHz x86 processor
1 GHz x86-64 processor

Memory (RAM):
1 GB 2 GB

Graphics Card:
DirectX 9 graphics processor with WDDM driver model 1.0
(Not absolutely necessary; only required for Aero hardware
acceleration. Graphics processors with no WDDM support will fall back to Microsoft's Basic Display Adapter driver which supports software rendering of Windows Aero.)

HDD free space:
16 GB of free disk space
20 GB of free disk space

Thursday, September 15, 2011

PC to Mobile Unlimited Free SMS

Now you can send free sms from you PC to Mobile worldwide. Totally Free!

First Download the software from this site.

After download, install it. And log in now. You may log in using your Facebook id!

That's it! Now enjoy the fun...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Folder Lock 6.05 for Symbain Mobile

Folder Lock 6.05 for Nokia Symbain Mobile!

Save Your Personal Data by keeping them secure by making a pasword on files by this software. If anyone want to open the file he must input the password. This application is very usefull for them who want to keepy privacy secure.

No more talk, Download now.

How to Read Bangla & All Other Language in Opera Mini

For reading newspapers or a multi languages blogs, your mobile do not support all the languages. I am Bangali and using Nokia N70. I need to read Bangla newspapers and Bangla blogs for different kinds of purpose. But Opera Mini is not supporting Bangla language. I have solved that problem which I am going
to share with you. Ok, let see:

How to Read All Language in Opera Mini?

1. Open Opera Mini

2. Write opera:config (on the address – where the address be written, delete http:// and write opera:config)
Click on Done

3. There will come Power-user Settings
Find out 'Use bitmap fonts for complex scripts' and make that option Yes.
Click on Save.

That’s it! Let’s check your favorite website or blog
which did not support on your phone.

Now give me a special thanks! :-P

How To Earn Money Online Part-02

In part-01 you have opened account in Money Transfering website.

Now you can get earned money by freelancing, ptc site, adsense etc... I will post detail all the way of learning.

First, What is freelancing? Freelancing is the way of make of money by working in your home. To be a freelancer you have to learn many things. As a freelancer you have to learn about Data Entry, Grafics Design, Logo, Web Design, Programming, Devoloping, Wordpress etc. I will post all about them.

At first sign up in some freelancing site. I am suggesting you some best freelancing site.
It will better if you creat your account in every site. Visit this link and sign up now-

1. oDesk

2. Freelancer

3. Minuteworkers

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How To Earn Money Online Part-01

How to earn money online? I will post A-Z of online earning. I will share all of my experience about freelancing. I think you will earn more then me. If you really want to earn then read all the post carefully and work as the direction will given in post. So keep your eyes here.

This is First Part.
If you want to earn money online, you must have an account in Online money transfer website. By this site you will able deposite and withdraw your money. What is mean by withdraw? If you have some money on your account balance and you want to get this money in your hand. In which way you will get money is called Withdraw.

I am suggesting you some best money transfering website. Go to all this site and complete registration.

First go to Alertpay and sign up. Then go to Moneybookers and sign up.
1. Alertpay

2. Moneybookers

Welcoming you to read Part-02.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

How to Send Free Sms from Your Mobile

How to send free sms? If you have a java mobile you can send free sms daily worlwide. There is no extra cost. Claim your free sms application now and send free sms worldwide.

binu sms

 First, Visit from your mobile. Click on 'App Catalog' and download 'binu sms' After installing open the application and create a new account using your mobile number. This number will shown where send your sms. That's all! Now you are able send up to 10 Free sms daily.

 Require- Your mobile must be a java mobile to run application. All Nokia, Samsung, Sony are supported. If you have any question comment here...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Chat With Facebook Friends By Mobile

Are you using mobile now? Missing the facebook friends because of your unable to chat with them without your PC? Now read this article to know how to chat with facebook by mobile.

facebook mobile chat

Solution 1:

Download 'bolt' browser and install it into your mobile phone. Visit for download it.

Solution 2:

Download 'ebuddy' from

Solution 3:

Download 'nimbuzz' from in your mobile.

Solution 4:

Download 'shmessanger'. Go to type 'shmessanger' and search for it.

After downloading any of them from above application list, open it and sign in to facebook and start Chatting with your facebook friend by your mobile!

If you need any help just comment here.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Make World Wide Free Call by Nimbuzz

Want to Make Free call? Just read this article to make free call. Nowadays calling is a fastest way to communicate. But it's not cheap at all. Some times we have to pay little much to the network provider. So I'm telling you a cheap coasting way to call.

Which number you can call?
-You can make all international call to over the country.
You can make PC-PC, PC-Mobile, Mobile-PC free call.

You need a pc or a mobile.
For computer: it works on all operating system.. A headphone/microphone to talk.
For mobile: a mobile with symbian/android/iOS operating system

1st download the software for your mobile and PC from here.

Now install it and open it. Type the number where you want to call.

Nimbuzz have to install in both calling side.

If you have any further question, comment here.